Barcode Inventory Management for Ecwid

Simplify your inventory, order and warehouse management with one easy app. Use the Barcode Inventory Management app on your Ecwid store to reduce errors and improve your store’s inventory accuracy.

To keep things simple, the Barcode Inventory Management app leans into Ecwid’s product catalog functionality. The app directly draws information out of Ecwid to make its tools work. Layered on top of this live information are tools to provide your store with warehouse management basics.

Provided by EcwidAdded by Barcode Inventory Management
Product and variant names and options, including SKUs, UPCs and current inventory levels
Barcode, label and barcode label generation and scanning
Locations for products and variation inventories Order creation from barcode scanning
Tax setup when creating orders Order picking, packing, and simple order management
Existing order and shipping statuses Tools for quick, live inventory checks and updates
Batch inventory update tools for inventory receiving, updating and disposal
Tools and Data by Ecwid vs Barcode Inventory Management

Ecwid already comes with shipping and analytics tools for your store. The Barcode Inventory Management app was made with a goal of not rebuilding these features. Instead, the app leans into what already exists and leverages what it can, adding on the tools to give you an inexpensive, but effective warehouse, inventory and order management system.

If you’re ready to read more about using the Barcode Inventory Management app, check out our Getting Started article.

If you’d like to read more about known use cases for the app and get some inspiration for setting up or improving your own inventory management process, check out our Usage Examples article.

Barcode Inventory Management for Ecwid by Lightspeed

Barcode Inventory Management can help you manage your store’s inventory. Try now, and get a 7 day free trial!