Install the Wish List app here.
Wish List
Thank you for considering using Wish List to let your customers create wish lists in your Ecwid store! We hope that the app provides you with all the functionality you’re looking for. If you have a use case that isn’t quite met, if you have customization needs that aren’t available in the app’s settings, or you have any questions, please reach out to us at and we’ll see if we can modify this app to better accommodate your needs.
Why wish lists?
Ecwid has a built-in Favorites system that is similar to Wish List. However, Wish List provides a more streamlined user experience for your customers, and gives you three additional avenues for generating revenue for your store:
- Shareable wish lists: When a user is logged in, they can share their wish list with others on social media, or by sending a link that will show their wish list when opened.
- Meta Pixel integration: As of this article’s writing, the built-in favorites button sends a “button click” event to your Meta/Facebook/Instagram pixel, which could be difficult to use. The Wish List app sends a full, standard, “AddToWishlist” event when a product is added to a customer’s wish list, allowing you to properly retarget your customers.
- Recent data downloads: In an additional section, the Wish List app allows you to download the wish list product data recorded for logged in users, allowing you to create mailing lists based on categories, products and options, as well as allowing you to gauge recent interest in them.
The Wish List app also differs from the built-in favorites system because it captures as many product options as it can when adding a product to a customer’s wish list, while the favorites system only captures the product itself.
Demo store
To see what the user experience is like using Wish List, check out our demo store:
Setting up your wish lists
After installing the Wish List app, you should see two options available to you: a section for setting up the app, and a section for downloading and using the app’s data for using in reports.

Most of this section allows you to customize the way wish lists, buttons and messages are displayed to your customers, to help you match your company’s style. The one exception is right at the top, which is the switch to turn the Wish List app on or off. This defaults to “off” so that you can select your company colors and set up positioning of elements before showing these elements to your customers.

One additional thing to note – things don’t get updated until you hit the “save” button. This includes the on/off switch, and the on/off switch gets reset to “off” if you reset your store’s settings!
Downloading report data
The Wish List app gives you 2 months worth of data about the products your customers have added to their wish lists.

On this page, you’ll be able to download the data in a CSV by clicking the download button. This data is regenerated each day at about midnight UTC. To read more on some suggestions on using this data, check out our other articles on using this data with Excel or with Google Sheets.
Other notable information
Working with support
The internet isn’t perfect. We don’t write bug-free code. Ecwid doesn’t write bug-free code. Sometimes, things are going to break, and we’ll have to work together to get things sorted out.
To contact support, please email us at and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
How long do you store data for?
Wish lists are supposed to represent an intent to purchase a product. We believe that 2 months is an appropriate amount of time to hold onto data for, and to be used for reporting. We believe that after 2 months, a customer stops showing their intent to purchase.
The wish list doesn’t disappear from the customer’s browser though, and if a customer logs back in later, their wish list may be restored.
We store logs for 2 weeks, and we store error messages until we have them sorted out, then we delete the related data to those errors.