Page Width
This is the measurement of the page’s width. The most common widths for pages are 8.5 inches (US letter size) or 210mm (A4 size).
Page Length
This is the measurement of the page’s length. The most common widths for pages are 11 inches (for US letter size) or 297mm (A4 size).
X Margin
The X Margin is the distance from the edge of the left side of the page, to the left-most label.
Y Margin
The Y Margin is the distance from the bottom of the page to the bottom of the lowest label.
Page Rows
This is the number of labels in a single column. Count labels vertically along the page’s length.
Page Columns
This is the number of labels in a single row. Count labels horizontally across the page’s width.
Label X Padding
The Label X Padding is the distance between labels on the same row. Other descriptions of this distance might refer to this as “gutters”. Alternatively, you may see compatibility sheets that refer to “pitch”, or more specifically for this case “horizontal pitch”. “Horizontal pitch” is the total distance between the top of one label, down to the top of a label below. You can calculate the desired Label X Padding from “horizontal pitch” by subtracting the height of a label from the “horizontal pitch”.
Label Y Padding
The Label Y Padding is the distance between labels in the same column. Other descriptions of this distance might refer to this as “gutters”. Alternatively, you may see compatibility sheets that refer to “pitch”, or more specifically for this case “vertical pitch”. “Vertical pitch” is the total distance between the top of one label, down to the top of a label below. You can calculate the desired Label Y Padding from “vertical pitch” by subtracting the height of a label from the “vertical pitch”.