Update Purchase Order Shipments

Track Shipping Information

When a purchase order is either Open or Partially Fulfilled, you can add shipment information that’s been sent to you by your supplier. In order to manage this data, click the Update Shipment Info button on the right side of your purchase order’s row:

Update Shipment Info Button

When shipment information has been added to a purchase order, that information will be added to the purchase order’s downloaded PDF when generated.

Managing Shipment Information

Empty Shipment Information List

If this purchase order hasn’t had any shipment information added to it yet, you’ll se a message letting you know that no shipments have been created yet for the purchase order. To create a shipment, click the + New Shipment button.

Shipment Information List

After shipment information has been added, this same page will instead display a table with existing shipping information.

New Shipment

Adding a Shipment

When the + New Shipment button is clicked, a modal asking for information about the shipment is shown. Fields for the shipping company, tracking number, taxes/duties should directly relate to the information provided by the supplier. The other field can be used for any other information your company wants to track.

If taxes and duties are not yet known, you can always add that information later by editing the shipment. When generated, the purchase order’s downloaded PDF will always have information that directly reflects the most up to date information about the shipment.

Update Shipment

Updating a Shipment

When a shipment needs to be updated, clicking on the Edit button in a shipment’s row will show the Update Shipment modal. You can update any values to better represent the shipment, and click the Update Shipment button to complete updates. When generated, the purchase order’s downloaded PDF will show the new, updated shipment information.

Delete Shipment

Delete a Shipment

If a shipment was incorrectly added, or you will no longer be receiving a shipment, you can delete the shipment by clicking the Delete button on the shipment’s row. You will be presented with a modal showing the shipment’s information to confirm that the shipment should be deleted. Confirm deletion by clicking the Delete Shipment button. When generated, the purchase order’s downloaded PDF will stop showing information about deleted shipments.