Manage Supplier Product Assignments

Select a Supplier

When you want to make purchase orders, you’ll need to have a list of suppliers who can receive those orders, and those suppliers will need to have products from your BigCommerce store assigned to them. You can create product assignments through the app by selecting the Supplier Product Assignments Tool.

Once you’re on the tool page you should see a dropdown for selecting a supplier, as long you have any suppliers created.

Suppliers dropdown

If you don’t have any suppliers created, you’ll need to use the Manage Suppliers tool to create suppliers.

Clear supplier

After you’ve selected a supplier, you’ll have additional options on the page to create assignments. At any time, you can clear the supplier and select a different one by clicking the Clear supplier button.

Viewing and Selecting Assignments

View Assignments

Once you have a supplier selected, you’ll see a set of three tab options for creating and updating supplier assignments. By default, you’ll be on the View Assignments tab. From this tab, you’ll be able to see the settings of the assignments that have been created for this supplier. Each assignment will take up a row where you can see the the following information, if it was set: the supplier’s SKU, the supplier’s price and the minimum order count that a supplier will accept.

You’ll also see a column showing any options that were set for this assignment (if the item is a product variant), and the number of items in stock at your store’s default location.

Lastly, you’ll see a couple of buttons to the right of each row which will allow you to edit or remove an assignment row.

You can also page through the assignments for a supplier with the Previous Assignments and Next Assignments buttons, as long as you have more than 10 assignments for this supplier.

Updating Assignments

Update Assignments

If you click any of the Edit Assignment buttons, you’ll get a modal that will allow you to update any of the assignment’s settings, including the supplier’s SKU, the supplier’s price, and the minimum quantity the supplier will allow. When you’re done updating the assignment’s data, you can click the Update Assignment Settings button to update the assignment and close the modal.

Create New Assignments

Create New Assignments

In the Create New Assignments tab, you’ll see a Catalog Search bar where you can find products and variants in your BigCommerce store and create assignments for the selected supplier. There are also convenience buttons for editing and removing assignments that have been found.

In each row, you’ll see details about the item (including variant options if the row is describing a variant) and the stock at your store’s default location. If an item is already assigned to a supplier, you’ll also see information about that item’s supplier SKU, supplier price and minimum order count.

Adding New Assignment Settings

To add a new assignment, set any information you have about the assignment in the item row’s Supplier Price, Minimum Order Quantity and Supplier SKU and make sure that the item’s checkbox has been selected on the left side of the row. If you don’t have any information to set for the item, but you still want to create an assignment to make the item available for the supplier, you can still check off the item to create the assignment.

Once you have settings set and items checked off for the assignments you’re looking to create, click the Submit New Product Assignments button to create the assignments for this supplier.

Selection Options

When products have been searched, you can also click the Select All Searched Items button to check off all items currently searched. You can also click the Deselect All Selected Items button to disable the selections for all items.

Search Filters

When searching for products in your BigCommerce store, you can filter items to only items that are in stock, have purchasing disabled or have been assigned to a specific category.

Uploading Assignments

Upload Assignments CSV

Uploading assignments by CSV, associating SKUs or UPCs with assignment data will be coming soon. If you’re looking for this functionality, please reach out to us at to keep updated on this feature.